Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Generic Host Process Win32 error

satu hal setelah mencoba banyak yang ditawarkan, akhirnya "generic host process for win32 services has encountered a problem and needed to close" bisa diatasi...

mungkin karena sudah menambahkan yang lain2nya, atau memang langkah ini ampuh.
tapi nyata, setelah menjalankan dua langkah ini, tidak muncul lagi si generic.

buka notepad, save sebagai batchfile (misal fixgeneric.bat)
isi dengan dua baris berikut (ketik hanya yang diantara garis "===="

untuk yang nggak suka copy paste, boleh lewat commandprompt, ketik langsung di commandnya.

baris satu:
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\netbt\parameters /v TransportBindName /t REG_SZ /d "" /f
baris dua:
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\OLE /v EnableDCOM /t REG_SZ /d "N" /f

restart komputernya....
let me know the results...

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

locating the outlook express files

to locate the outlook express files on our computer:
1. from outlook express click: Tools - Options - Maintenance - Store Folder
2. copy the location.
3. go to windows explorer and paste the copied address in address bar, or
- click Start
- click Run
- paste the copied address and press ENTER.

there you'll find some files with extension .dbx, they are the store files of outlook express.

Outlook Express: outbox error

This explanation describe the possible caue when you got Outlook express error message but no error details shown.

"Some errors occured while procesing the requested task. Please review the lit of errors below for more details."

before we go to the solution, you need to know that maximum single file size of WindowsXP is limited, 2GB for FAT and 4GB for FAT32, 16TB-4KB for NTFS.

I have experienced this error and it's because the file on my computer (sentitems.dbx) was reached 2GB.... so I need to delete the emails on sent items then compact the folders.

  1. check the file size of your outlook express files: to do this, you need to know where the file stored, click this link.
  2. if you found there is/are file(s) with size larger than 1,9GB that indicate you will find problem on your outlook express.

solution 1:
  1. make sure your outlook express closed.
  2. rename the large file by adding _x to your file name (sentitems.dbx -> sentitems_x.dbx)
  3. open outlook express, and it will create new sentitems.dbx, means your sent items will be blank.
solution 2:
  1. delete the emails manually on sent items folders (this will took longer time).
  2. after succeed deleting the emails:
  3. click File - folder - compact all folders
  4. this will took some minutes even hours, you recommended to let the process until all the folders compacted or your outlook express folders damaged.
solution 3:
create new identity and let the old identity as your arcihieve identity

Kamis, 23 April 2009

Install Windows XP pada CQ40

untuk install windows XP pada CQ40-337TU, anda bisa cari menggunakan google, ada banyak bantuan dan forum yang memang mencari solusi ini, saya juga download lewat google.

kalo malas googling, berikut yang saya lakukan:
- siapkan OS installer (Windows XP Professional + serial)
- copy seluruh isi CD Windows XP Installer ke dalam satu folder
- jalankan nlite (download dari www.nliteos.com),
- pilih folder yang akan diburn
- tambahkan driver SATA-AHCI
- create ISO atau langsung burn to disk
- CD yang sudah dibuat bisa langsung dipakai untuk install WIndows XP
step by step create nlite CD dalam bentuk panduan lebih jelas, silakan lihat di http://www.justyushi.web.id/2009/03/24/install-windows-xp-di-compaq-cq40-series/

nah, tapi itu belum selesai, untuk instalasi driver, kita akan mengalami beberapa kesulitan.
silakan cari dan download driver yang sesuai. namun untuk instalasi driver tersebut kita diharuskan downgrade BIOS kita ke versi F11E, silakan download dan jalankan BIOS Flash dari http://www.hw4computers.com/images/drivers/30F7F11E.zip

selanjutnya driver yang sudah ada bisa langsung diinstall.

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network problem?

Lenovo G430 Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter problem? (written by oman) if you have already search and try all the blogs and forums found by google, try this one, coz this already happened to me and I found it by myself... when I found it I felt so stupid fooled by the system. Here is the clue: (written by oman) remember that there are some switches for notebook wireless before you can use it:
power switch, you need to switch this power on, located under your left-hand position.
hotkey switch, press fn-F5 for lenovo G430 or another key for other notebook.
make sure that you switch it on when hotkey displayed
that's all! have a nice weekday!
your comments are welcomed.